Singular And plural nouns:


Singular Noun:

A noun that names one person animal, place, or thing called singular noun.


This is a boy.

This is a cat.

This is a house.

This is a flower.

Singular form- boy, cat, house, flower.

plural noun:

A noun name more than one person, animal, place or thing called plural noun.


These are boys.[two or more boys]

These are dogs.[two or more dogs]

These are trees.[two or more treees]

these are flowers.[two or more flowers]

Plural form- boys, dogs, trees, flowers.

more singular noun of plural adding - 's'


Singular       Plural

Apple                  Apples

Bat                      Bats

Tree                    Trees

Friend                 Friends

Book                   Books

Cap                     Caps

Teacher               Teachers

Car                      Cars

****A singular noun ending, x, z, ch, sh, o, ss makes the plural by adding- 'es'.


Singular        Plural

Mango                   Mangoes

Fox                        Foxes

Dish                      Dishes

Bus                       Buses

Ostrich                 Ostriches

Potato                   Potatoes

Watch                  Watches

Box                      Boxes

****A singular noun ending in a consonant and then 'y' makes the plural by dropping the 'y' and adding- 'ies'


Singular        Plural

Fly                         Flies

Lady                      Ladies

Puppy                   Puppies

Family                  Families

Story                     Stories

Country                Countries

****A singular noun ending in 'f ' or 'fe' makes the plural by removing the 'f ' or 'fe' adding - 'ves'.


Singular          Plural

Knife                       Knives

Calf                         Calves

Wolf                       Wolves

Loaf                        Loaves

Life                         Lives  

****Few singular nouns form their changing the inside vowel.


Singular            Plural

Man                            Men

Woman                      Women

Mouse                        Mice

Child                         Children

Tooth                         Teeth

Foot                           Feet

****Some nouns have the same form in singular and plural.

Singular           Plural

Deer                          Deer

Fish                           Fish

Sheep                        Sheep