Noun in Details:
a noun is a name of a person, animal, things, place.
person- Ram, Sam, Rima, John, Sahana.

Animal- Cow, Dog, Cat, Horse, Mouse, Snake, Frog, Fish.

Nation- Man, Bird, Beast.

Place- Delhi, New York, Kolkata, Paris, Australia.

Season- Winter, Summer, Autumn, Spring.

Week- Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Month- January, February, March, April, etc.

Thing- Bench, Table, Chair, Book, Pen, Paper.

Classifications Of Noun:
We can divide nouns into five classes.
1. Common Noun.
2. Propper Noun.
3. material Noun.
4. Collective noun.
5. Abstract Noun.

1. Common Noun:
A common is a general name given to the place, thing, person, animal.
1She is a good girl.[Here girl is the general name of a person]
2. This is a toy.[Here toy is the general name of things]
3. They live in a city.[Here city is the general name of place]
4. It is his dog.[Here dog is the general name of animals

2. Proper Noun:
A proper noun is a special name given to [person, place, animals, and things.

1. Marry is my best friend.[Here marry is the special name given to person]

2. India is my country.[Here India is the special name given to place]

3. His dog name is Tommy.[Tommy is the special name given to animals]

4. I like to wear titan watch.[Titan is the special name given to thing]
3. Material Noun:
A material noun is refers to a material or whole things togather.
1. Milk is white.[Here milk refer to all type of milks]
2. Rice is a good food[Rice means all type of rices]
3. Wheat grows more than paddy.[Here wheat is the all type of wheats]
4. Gold is much costly.[Here gold means all type of golds]
5. Clouds fly in the sky.[Here cloud is the all type of the clouds]
4. Collective noun:
A collective noun is refers to a group of persons or things.
1. We read in class Vii.[ Here class refers to the group of students]
2. We are the members of this club.[Club means to the group of the peoples]
3. rupa is a member of women association.[Women association refers to the group of womens]
4. There is a heap of stones.[Heap refers to the aggregate of some stones]
5. Abstract Noun:
An abstract noun refers to qualities, ideas, feelings, condition which we can't seen.
1. Kindness is a virtue.
2. They are suffering from coldness.
3. She lives in deep poverty.
4. I can't pardon their cruelty.