Conversation Between Guardian And Headmaster

the guardian wants to know a inquiry about his son from the headmaster.the gentleman name is roni dey,he is an engineer,he first meet the clerk........

Roni Dey: Excuse me, I would like to meet with headmaster. Is he present?

Clerk:  Yes,Come with me.

Roni Dey: May i come in sir?

Headmaster: Ofcourse,Come in.

Roni Dey: I am roni dey, One of the guardians.

Headmaster: What do you want?

Roni dey: I wish to make inquiries about my son.

Headmaster: Well.Who is your son? And what class does he read in?

Roni Dey: My son name is ankush dey. He read in class x.

Headmaster: I see. He is a very good student. We expect he will pass the x exam with at least two letters.

Roni Dey: I also expect that. But he is very weak in history. He always forgets the historical fact which he read in the book.

Headmaster: I shall consult about it with the head of the department.

Roni Dey: Thank you and your staff for carefulness about my son.

Headmaster: no need of it. That is our duty to all of our students.

Roni Dey:  ok sir, i shall leave now..

Headmaster: ok bye. Come again.