Common Errors In Sentence Construction:

What is common errors in sentence construction? When we making a sentence in English, We makes many kinds of mistake. That kinds of mistakes called common errors. What kind of mistakes is made we discuss in these articles. We need to be careful about these error.

Wrong way to use'THE'

 Incorrect                         Correct

1. The Kolkata is a big city.          1. Kolkata is a big city.

2. He knows the English well.     2. He knows English well.

3. The union is strength.             3.Union is strength.

4. The honesty is the best policy.  4. Honesty is the best policy.

5. The gold is a valuable metal.   5. Gold is a valuable metal.

[place- Kolkata, Mumbai, etc. language- Bengali, English, Hindi, etc. thing- gold, iron, etc. expressive- honesty, cruelty, etc.]

Right way to use the 'THE'


 Incorrect                         Correct 

1. Ramayana is a holy book.       1. The Ramayana is a holy book.

2. Himalayas is in the north        2. The  Himalayas is in the north

 of India.                                           of India.

3. Ganges flows through west      3. The Ganges flows through west Bengal.                                      west Bengal.

4. I read 'Times of India' paper    4. I read the 'Times of India'            paper everyday.                              paper every day

Wrong way to use 'A' 

 Incorrect                        Correct 

1. A man is mortal.                      1. Man is mortal.

2. I read a fine poetry.                 2. I read fine poetry.

3. He has made a rapid              3.He has made rapid progess.


4. A english is a good language  4. English is a good language.

5. She has a vast knowledge.      5. She has vast knowledge.

Right way to use 'A'

 Incorrect                         Correct 

1. He is an European.                   1. He is a European.

2. The indians is brave nation.     2. The indians is a brave nation.

3. This is an university.                 3.This is a university. 

4. Do not make noise.                   4. Do not make a noise.

5. He got headache.                      5. He got a headache.

Some common mistake use 'preposition'

 Incorrect                            Correct 

1. At last I reached at the station.     1.At last I reached the station.

2. He went to home.                          2. He went home.

3. Sima married with my brother.      3. Sima married my brother.

4. She entered into the room.             4.She entered the room.

5. Her mother loves with her.             5.  Her mother loves her. 

Wrong to use 'OF'

Incorrect                            Correct 

1. We are proud for our country.      1.  We are proud of our                                                                               country.

2. Usha died from cholera.               2. Usha died of cholera.

3. They are afraid from you.            3.They are afraid of you.

4. Take care for your books.             4. Take care of your books.

5. You are not genius to sam.            5.  You are not genius of sam.

Wrong to use 'TO'

Incorrect                            Correct 

1. He is going at school.                  1. He is going to school. 

2. Mr. das is kind on me.                 2.  Mr. das is kind to me. 

3. I object of your statement.           3. I object to your statement. 

4. She will pray for god.                   4. She will pray to god.  

5. I married with her.                       5. I married with her.

Wrong to use 'AT'

Incorrect                            Correct 

1. We live in delhi.                            1. We live at delhi.

2. Don't laugh to the beggars.         2. Don't laugh at the beggars.

3. Look to the moon.                        3. Look at the moon.

4. She knocks the door.                    4. She knocks at the door. 

5. The train will arrive on then       5. The train will arrive at the platform.                                              platform.  

Wrong to use 'IN'

Incorrect                            Correct 

1. He lives at Kolkata.                     1. He lives in Kolkata.

2. They will return at an hour.       2. They will return at an hour. 

3. A snake lives into this whole.     3. A snake lives in this whole. 

4. We write with ink.                       4. We write in ink.

5. They were walking into               5. They were walking in

 the garden.                                          the garden.

Wrong to use 'INTO'

Incorrect                            Correct 

1. The peasant divided his all            1. The peasant divided his all 

properties in his three sons.               properties into his three sons.

2. The headmaster looked                2. The headmaster looked

in the matter.                                        into the matter.

3. I shall jump in the pond.             3. I shall jump into the pond.

4. Translate the passage in            4. Translate the passage into

English.                                             English.

5. She will fall in the hands         5. She will fall into the hands

of robbers.                                        of robbers.

Wrong to use 'FOR'

 Incorrect                            Correct 

 1. I don't care of you.                      1. I don't care for you.

2. She blames him of his                 2. She blames him for his

mistake.                                               mistake. 

3. They will stay here of                 3. They will stay here for

a few days.                                          a few days.

4. Sima will not live there             4. Sima will not live there for

before one month.                             one month.

5. Ask him of a pen.                     5. Ask him for a pen.

Wrong to use 'BY'

 Incorrect                            Correct 

1. They will go in train.                    1. They will go by train.

2. What's the time in your              2. What's the time by your

 watch?                                              watch? 

3. Stand in me.                                3. Stand by me.

4. The dog was beaten with him.    4. The dog was beaten by                                                                       him.

5. Walk side to side.                        5. Walk side by side.

Wrong to use 'WITH'

 Incorrect                            Correct 

1. He is angry upon me.                    1. He is angry with me.

2. Cut the pencil by knife.                 2. Cut the pencil with knife.

3. He beats his dog by a stick.           3. He beats his dog with a                                                                         stick.

4. Wash your hands by water.          4. Wash your hands with water.

5. I killed a snake by a sword.          5. I killed a snake with a sword.

Wrong to use 'ON'

 Incorrect                            Correct 

1. Put the book upon the table.       1. Put the book on the table.

2. They will come back to the         2. They will come back on the 

3rd march.                                           3rd march.

3. He will spend much money       3. He will spend much money

at her daughter's wedding.              on her daughter's wedding.

4. Everybody walks by feet.          4. Everybody walks on feet.

5. I congratulate you for              5. I congratulate you on

your success.                                    your success. 

 Wrong to use 'OVER'


Incorrect                            Correct 

1. The bird flew on the tree.           1. The bird flew over the tree.

2. The ball has gone on the           2. The ball has gone over the

 goal- post.                                        goal- post.