Talk About Admission In A College
a student visit a college after passing x. he wants to be admitted,but he does't know any rules and regulation for the admission. so he stood infront of a clerk and asking him about the admission....

Student: May I come in sir?

Clerk: Yes, You may.

Student: May I have an admission form?

Clerk: Ofcourse. Let me see your mark-sheet.

Student: ok, just see.

Clerk: Now keep the mark-sheet with you and take the form.

Student: Thank you for your sympathetic help.

Clerk: No need of thanking. It's my duty.

Student: What shall I do now?

Clerk: Now you will meet the principal. He will give you the necessary advice.

Student: ok. I'm going to him.

Clerk: Wait a while. Please take this form also.

Student: Has it any necessity?

Clerk: Yes, It has. This is the form of application to the principal. You will fill up the form first and submit it to the principal.

Student: May I expect that I shall get a chance to be admitted into this college?

Clerk: Hope, You will be admitted. That is why, Your mark-sheet is very good.

Student: Thank you very much.

[the student took the form and went to the principal room. he saw many of students like him have came for the admission, he stood in line and waited...]