Conversation with a Classmate

Purnima and Akash were classmates.they have been seen on road for a long time. Both were very happy to meet. Then they started talked for a while.....

Akash: Hallo miss purnima! How are you?

Purnima: I am well. But what about you?

Akash: Fine. Where did you go?

Purnima: I went to my uncle's house. Now I'm returning  to my house.

Akash: Where is your uncle's house?

Purnima: That is at Mumbai.

Akash: How many uncle's have you?

Purnima: Only one uncle I have. I have two maternal uncle's.

Akash: What does your uncle do?

Purnima: My uncle is a dramatist. He has written many dramas. His famous drama is 'sainik'.

Akash: what's the name of your uncle?

Purnima: My uncle name is samir dutta.

Akash: I have heard the name. I have been highly pleased on hearing the news.

Purnima: Where are you going now?

Akash: I'am going to a friend house.

Purnima: Will you return today?

Akash: No that's not possible. I shall get no bus to return at night.

Purnima: I let go now, Akash. Already I am to late..

Akash: ok. Good bye.

Purnima: Good bye...

[Purnima leaves. Akash stood a while looking at the way purnima left. Then he also goes in the opposite site]