How to Speak English Fluently 10 Steps

We may have learned the basics of how to speak English well such as vocabulary, grammar, reading, and writing at school. However, you may often find yourself hesitant when speaking, stumbled over words, afraid to make mistakes, and use incorrect grammar. These are problems that make you afraid of speaking English in public or various formal situations. You still insist on using your mother tongue when you are working at a foreign company or with foreign friends and colleagues.

Here are 10 useful tips on how to speak English that can help you with those problems:

1.How to speak English fluently in public? Build your confidence.
Although your English speaking skill might be mediocre, a high level of confidence will make you able to communicate in public using English. Even if you make some mistakes, keep talking and don’t hesitate or feel embarrassed. Confidence is the key of how to speak English fluently in public
2.Learn about phrasing.
Do you know how children learn to speak? They pick words and then using them in the right sentences. Knowing thousands of vocabulary alone is useless if you cannot use them in sentences. Therefore, learn about vocabulary and phrasing at the same time.

3.How to speak English fluently? Don’t learn too much about grammar! Grammar is important for students who study language at school because they need it to pass the exams. But if you want to speak English fluently, forget about grammar. It will confuse and distract you, because you will only focus on how to arrange sentences correctly, including strict formula and rules of tenses, instead of trying to speak like a native speaker. You must understand that from many native speakers who know how to speak English fluently, only a few who actually understand about correct grammar. So, which one do you choose; studying about definitions of verbs and adjectives or just simply learning about how to speak English fluently? Therefore, don’t spend too much time studying grammar.

4. Don’t translate.
Word orders in English sentences are different from your native language. Therefore, do not translate English sentences word per word directly to your native language, because it will not help in making your progress of how to speak English well. If you literally translate English language sentences into your native language, you will immediately apply grammatical rules that you have learned, with incorrect results. In a conversation, you can throw grammar out of the window as long as your partner understands what you say. Slightly messed up sentence orders are fine as long as you can make your sentences understandable. Therefore, you do not have to translate sentences into your language when you learn about how to speak English.

5.Effective way of how to speak English; listen and practice!
Try to analyze the way babies learn to communicate. They always ‘listen’ first before learning how to speak, read and write at school. That is the natural order in learning any languages, including English, but the most important thing in learning how to speak English fluently is ‘speaking’ instead of just listening. Practice English with a loud voice until your mouth and tongue are comfortable with the feel of speaking even if you are not thinking.

6.Engage in English speaking environment.
Pay attention to people who know how to speak English fluently; why are they so effective and fluent in English? Is that because they studied at a well-known English school? Not really! They know how to speak English fluently because they keep participating in environments when English is constantly used. Learning at English courses or studying at reputable English schools abroad may be important, but if your budget is limited, you just have to surround yourself with English in your own area. For example, try to do these things: Make a deal or agreement with your friends that you will only speak in English with them.
Bring an iPod wherever you go and listen to your favorite English songs. Read English newspapers and comics, watch English TV channels (CNN, Discovery Channel, etc.) and DVDs of English movies. Join with an English language community. Call an English radio station. Try to make your favorite song requests with your favorite local radio DJ in English. Watch Spoken English Videos that are widely available online or use English learning software. In short, language skill is not determined by how smart you are or how high is your IQ. Anyone can learn more than one language; this is a fact that has been widely proven worldwide. Being in an environment where English is constantly used is a kye of how to speak English.

7.Learn correct English from reliable sources.
If you want to know about how to speak English fluently, make sure that you learn the correct materials from reliable places and sources. If you learn using the incorrect materials and keep practicing based on those, then you have managed to make your English skill getting worse. Learn more about the common English speaking style used in daily life. Problems often occur when many students who learn English try to speak using too formal English in daily conversation. While it is true that being able to speak formally like those news anchors at the TV, but that is a more advanced level of learning after you learn Basic English. In short, learn English using good materials, from reliable sources and are commonly used in daily conversation.

8.Want to learn about how to speak English? Determine your goal!
When you start learning about how to speak English, ask yourself about your goal of learning this language. Is it to support your career and job, your internet marketing skill, or your traveling hobby? By knowing your goal well, you can be more focused on learning and not wasting your time learning about unnecessary things. You can also determine how long you will study until you really know how to speak English fluently; is it in one year or two? It will bring you closer to your ultimate goal.

9.Find your learning strategy!
After you set up your goal, it is time for you to make the strategy. What strategy you will use on learning how to speak English? Do you want to learn yourself by using online free English learning website, or going to English course? How much will you spend for this learning process? Determining a learning strategy is very important to reach your goal.

10.Spot your weakness!
Before you learn how to speak English fluently, try to spot where your weakness lies; is it in grammar, speaking, vocabulary, listening, reading, or writing? After you find that, go forward step by step until you manage to learn how to speak English fluently.

Those are the 10 steps to learn how to speak English fluently. Other benefits of learning English also include getting highs scores of TOEFL, IELTS, and TOEIC, scoring job interviews and tests and many more. Here are some tips for you who are currently learning how to speak English or want to increase English skills:Be patient and determined in learning. You cannot be fluent in English in just one night; it takes time to master it. Be wise toward yourself and don’t rush it, because everyone will need different time. Practice routinely everyday! Spend fifteen to thirty minutes each day to learn. Better do it little by little yet consistently than doing much at once but not routine. Don’t be afraid to make mistake! If you make mistakes or fail, try again. The more you learn from your mistakes, the more perfect your results in the future. Be a smart learner! For example, if your hobby is cooking, buy cookbooks with the English language or look for recipes on the internet, then try them. This is good to avoid boredom when you learn how to speak English.